Being salty is a journey in real engagement with Jesus, from the perspective of a real follower of jesus. it is intended to ask honest questions that lead women toward open, inclusive, and encouraging conversations. our communication is one of the ways that we were designed to be salt and light to those around us, but often we battle with our hearts, our minds, and our tongues. Colossians 4:6 says, "Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer each person."

Let's bring out the flavor of jesus in one another. Let's be Salty together.

Being Salty - an Introduction


That is one of my favorite exclamations to make in several situations. For example:

  • Someone cuts me off while driving. “RUDE!”

  • A sweet co-worker compliments another co-worker’s outfit while I happen to be standing right next to her “RUDE!”

  • My 5 year-old son tells me he prefers it when daddy picks him up from school “ugh! RUDE!”

The reality is, I love to be offended and I love to feign offense. When it’s real, as in when I’m driving in a college town (sorry guys… real talk… some of you like to test my defensive driving skills) I think I might be better equipped with a tank than a Hyundai Santa Fe. In those moments, I feel validated to be offended by what I consider to be questionable driving choices. It makes me feel, oh man, I’m gonna say it… superior.

When someone receives a compliment that I don’t, I might make my exclamation in jest, but what I’m really saying is, “Hey! What about me?!” Please validate me. Pweeese.

Then there’s truth. My son means no offense. He is just stating his un-fluffed 5 year-old fact. Sometimes the truth can sting. Usually the truth stings when it isn’t validating us. (I also take a little comfort in the fact that daddy picking him up can often include a quick trip to the drive-thru for some fries.)

Sooo…. What’s BEING SALTY about?

We commonly use that phrase to refer to our bitterness, our attitude, our state of being offended. I’m so so good at it, guys. I can get real. salty.

Here’s where things get interesting though: that is this world’s definition of saltiness. One of the most beautifully captivating things about God to me is His ability to take everything we think we know and turn it on it’s head: The last shall be first, the first shall be last (Matthew 20:16). You’re dead and alive at the same time (very loose paraphrase of Romans 6:11). The King of Glory came to this earth a totally dependent, helpless baby, born to an unmarried teenage mother… In a barn… And made His first earthly bed a food trough. Decidedly inglorious. And yet, this is how He initiated His victory over the depth of our need.

So, we are called to be salty. (Matthew 5:13) To bring salt to this earth. To bring truth and love to the circumstances around us.

And guess what salt does? It cuts out bitterness. It takes away the taste of offense. According to this article, it eliminates bitterness even more effectively than sugar. Even more than our own sweet words - they are nice and well-intentioned, but considerably less effective than the salt-infused truth that the Holy Spirit speaks through us.

Being salty takes on a new meaning when viewed through the periscope of Jesus. So here, in this forum, I want us women to celebrate and grow this gift of communication: to offer our salt to each other.

Let’s bring flavor to one another. In a world where it is so easy to offend, and so easy to take offense - to be the wrong kind of salty - let’s redefine that term and bring the seasoning of Jesus to one another’s lips. Ladies, let’s be a walking contradiction to the tastes of this world. Let us speak truth, and speak it in love. Let’s GET SALTY!



Leave a comment and let us know:

What are the biggest struggles in your daily communication? How do you feel an online community such as Being Salty help you to bring salt to others in your speech and all forms of communication?


Make honest observations this week about your communication. Write them down and think them over. Do you set time aside for meaningful conversations with the people around you? Do you run from conflict? How well do you listen to others? Is Jesus evident in your speech? Pray Colossians 4:6 over your interactions with others this week. Ask God to show you how your words can carry His salt so that you can know how to speak with others.

Freedom of Speech